Wednesday, 20 August 2014


Either you are child or not, we all have been asking foolish qestions. At times you considered them as the the wisest questions you ever asked then. At one stage in life, you began to ask both necessary and unnecessary questions and your parents would feel like, "Are you not tired of asking the same questions? This child won't kill me with questions." As child then, life was interesting because of your curiosity about life and its environment. You might have seen stone, sand, birds and others and asked your parents but there were things like food and drinks you won't ask them because you opened your eyes in them as an infant then.
The questions you used to ask then as a kid will begin to run away from you if actually you are growing mentally, psychologically and other aspects of your life. Although, a child may grow physically at fast pace like Obasanjo agric chicks but it does not mean he or she is growing mentally and spiritually. Having known this, you have to examine yourself to diagnose any impairment or irregularity in the quality of your questions. Remember that right questions produce right answers. How sound and outstanding you are depends on 3 questions you ask and those questions are directed to God, others and yourself.
How do you ask God? Famous verse in the Bible whispers that ask and you shall receive. Then if you don't know how to ask God questions, you may not get the answers that will nourish your life spiritually and physically. Asking God questions goes beyond what you God to do for you. It also involves how God wants you to live your life right and according to His purpose. One of the teaching of Jeus Christ was ask first and receive and it led thousands of people to keep asking Jesus, "Can you give us more bread and fishes.", "Can you be our king so that we won't suffer in the hands of Roman Empire?" They were not asking the right questions. The person that asked the right question was Nicodemus. You remembered what he asked Jesus? What must I do to enter the kingdom of God? You need to know the way you are asking God questions and what you ask Him. Your questions to God most times show the level of your spiritual maturity and no one is judging about this but God is watching.
This is where I'm going to put a stop in this post. Be expecting part 2 soon. It will cover aspects of how you ask others questions and yourself questions. I'm just your online or real friend or both. Thanks for reading and I hope you have extracted out some points which will transform your life for better. You can freely share my post and comment or contact me via my facebook account or my twitter handle. Remain cool.

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